Thursday, August 27, 2009

It has become a common a phenomenon in our environment to see people complain that times are hard, there is economic meltdown, there are no jobs, this country is a difficult place, our government is irresponsible, we are managing to survive bla.. blaa...blaaa. It is no longer a surprise to see young people roaming the streets, some even taking to social vices because there no jobs to do after school. Also, most elderly people after retirement become idle and resign to a miserable lifestyle because there is no money or money is inadequate to maintain a good standard of living.
Yes, most of these complaints are true but do we just sit down fold our arms and watch lack and poverty ravage us? Because there are no jobs shouldn’t we do something to make ends meet? Because this country is a difficult place, can’t we use what we have to get and live a better standard of life? Yes, the times maybe hard, but we can do something else to live a better life after all it is not everybody that is complaining. Some people are getting it right. We may not get white collar jobs, or job offers in blue chip companies, oil and gas companies, banks or any of the multinational corporations. All of these are usually the toast of an average young graduate but there is so much to do especially online to earn us a good living (we will be discussing more on this subsequently).
The main thing I have been trying to say here is that we must stand up and take action. It is time to remove your scarf on your head and tie it to your waist and get ready for action. We must be ready to take our destiny and life into our hands and do the things we must do to live the life we desire. Wishing things will get better is not enough, thinking the government will give us enough jobs and depending on their promises will take us nowhere. Unless we do something better and different we are likely to remain in the quagmire we have found ourselves in. Do you want to continue roaming the streets, going from one place to another submitting your C.V or resumes and getting embarrassed by a security or receptionist that is not as much educated as you? We must be ready not to continue folding our arms watching our years go by and we remain in the same place without any financial or economic progress.
I am sure you do not want to continue receiving ‘hand me downs’ that people have used, I guess you are tired of asking for transport money anytime you want to go somewhere, I want to believe you desire to always have enough money on your phone to make calls so that you can stop flashing and stop sending ‘call me back’ messages, I want to presume you are tired of squatting or living in that one room ‘face me-I face you’? I believe everybody wants to live a better life.
If any of your responses are in the affirmative, then we are ‘good to go’. That is what online profits desire to achieve – help you live a better life. We will practically show you how to earn an income online in several different ways. We will keep revealing and teaching you such things and if you are diligent to take action on the things you are shown; it will amaze you at how much you will be transformed.
Please endeavour to keep a date with us everyday, it promises to be an exciting journey.
Have a lovely day !!!!!!!

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